Friday, 22 June 2012

Chaos II

Battered by the saline rain,
whipped up by winds that sing of pain,
yet droplets clung to ether there,
and sparkled as jewels within the air.

The sea, she cries - the sky unites.
The jeweled tears dance in flights.
The patterns form before my eyes
and leave me, sodden, hypnotised.

Chaos driven movements made,
those particle pieces - pawns - are played.
Each move without pattern, form, or fears.
A chess game in those falling tears.

The are not patterns of fates in history,
nor, in the future, is there any mystery.
Within that swirling mass of mist I see,
lives Chaos, in her inconsistent consistency.

Sunday, 17 June 2012

Have Blog, Will Travel

No, sadly I am not going trekking around the world - or backpacking like some overprivileged middle class twat who decides they'd gladly like to take some time off from life to 'find themselves' - Ever notice how these guys go to find themselves but never discover they're a dick? Makes you think maybe all that travel doesn't help you find yourself at all...

No...I am travelling to a new blog! This one, to be precise. After a long time on Tumblr I have got rather bored of the fact that it all seems to be about vapid creatures who pass themselves off as human sharing photos of themselves in states of undress, people reblogging gifs of shit movie quotes and basically all about the shiny shiny pictures and things.

So I'm migrating, to this new little place. I hope you will travel with me.