Sunday, 9 December 2012

Cold Fear

Cold fog curses creep through my brain,
under my skin like parasites
and leeching my bad blood.
Ground to dust,
Ground to dust,
those dreams you once cradled.
Incompetent fool and idle thinker,
roll up your sleeves.
There’s more to come from you yet.
Another lashing will see to that.
Pile up the tasks,
Pile up the tasks,
Arbeit Macht Frei.

Fall into line. Straighten up your tie.
Polish your shoes with the rags,
they’re all you have and all you need.
Mirror like shine,
Mirror like shine,
But no face looks back through the cracked leather.

I am the ethereal.
Burned, ripped material.
Bound for a hell that doesn't exist
and living in one that does.
Pull yourself together,
Pull yourself together,
as if that’s possible when you’re split in two.
 We stay as children. 

Tuesday, 27 November 2012


From my low, yet lofty position,
I wish I knew your struggle.
But my own is enough to tell me
yours is far greater.

I feel it, though I don't know it.
I strive against it, though I don't know it.
I respect it, though it escapes me.

You are my brother, my sister.
You are my equal in humanity,
but in suffering, you are my teacher.

I hope one day to understand,
through your teaching,
your difficulties.

So I may better fight for us all.

Sorry Queen

Run deep, ravines
of crippling blood-red tears
down cheeks so mercilessly sagging,
aged and sorry beyond their years.

Gnarled hair frames
a face so young
yet battered, beaten, bruised and born
into a world too uninviting.

And yet hope,
alive and burning bright,
dwells in the eyes that adorn this face
like jewels in a crown of human glory.

Aye, she is Queen of All.
The land surveyed in minds so frayed
and sorrow paths tread.
She owns them all.

And while I am disease,
she is immune to ire, sorrow, blight and scorrn.
Of such purity was she born
that I merely bow before her.

Oh that She, So troubled Queen
could, through her own eyes be seen
as the wonder I see before myself.
I give her all my faith.

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

The Statue

The whole atmosphere seemed to spark into flame as I depressed the wheel on my lighter. The faint yellow-orange glow was all the illumination I had, and all the illumination I needed. All of life’s mysteries solved in the sucking of a cigarette. Stars glittered above me like the burning tar in that grey and black flecked end, slowly drawn inwards, inhaled, exhaled, extinguished.

The ground beneath my feet was cold, causing an itchiness on my soles. The unevenness becoming more, then less noticeable as the frost numbed my feet. Becoming more sensitive the closer they came to the inevitable numbness of cold. I could not see what was beneath my feet, save for that small moment of light, and all that was revealed to me then was that this was the place I always stood and a place I would never leave.

I’m not sure if there’s significance in any of it. I look for it, sometimes. Scanning horizons I cannot see, trying to make out figures passing in the darkness. I thought I saw a cat once, but I can’t be sure. I don’t think I even know what a cat is anymore. Always peering sightlessly through the black for a chance at a glimpse at what I used to know. I had a family once, but they’re gone now, lost in that same black haze that enveloped the world when I was put here, on this spot. I often imagine how I would feel if I were to see my wife running, her face lit up with a bright halo above her head, her arms outstretched in a manner with which to embrace me. Then I remember I used to have a wife, and she doesn’t exist now. Then I realise how I am fooling myself. I remember no one loves me. Memories are horrible things, teasing reminders of a better past, or harsh reminders of a shitty present when lost in fantasy. If the function of them is to learn from them, I think it must be rather lost on most people. It’s not fate that causes the repeat of history, it’s stupidity. I know, I have watched it unfold from this very spot.

I often wonder what they’d have done if they’d been there. When I was taken, there was no one to hold me back. There was no one there to fight my battle for me – a trait many people foolishly believe to be admirable. A lack of unity causes battle, unity avoids it. Fighting alone is inevitable defeat, fighting at all is foolish. Together, resistance alone can crush the hubris of conquest. With the help of others, with their resistance, I would not be stood here. Divide et impera taken to its logical extreme by turning us all into competing individuals against one another. So here I stand alone, wishing for others to stand with me.

I’ve never seen a sunrise. Never felt the kiss of the pale moonlight upon me. I yearn for another day to come for me. To end this incessant Void I see before me. Am I sleeping? I don’t know. Sometimes I think I must be. I am only acknowledged by myself, as if lost in that egocentric maelstrom of subconsciousness. Is it that I am alone? Or are others out there awaiting my awakening? Am I waiting on others, or they me? I don’t know. If that were they case, surely they would wake me? If I am dreaming, and people wished me awake, they would wake me. None wake me. Therefore I am either all alone, stood here stoically; or I am so despised by the world they don’t want me to awaken and blight their days with my consciousness.

I can’t feel my feet now. I can’t feel anything, save for that prevailing wind that erodes my skin, until I inevitably crumble into the dust from whence I came. 

Monday, 12 November 2012


The metaphor for my lost youth
lies here amongst this wasteland.
Trapped within the dust and stones
of this ruinous rubble.

I wonder, if I crack the stones,
will there be, concealed within,
like some sweet fruit of days past,
the echo of my joy and laughter?

I wonder if my returning,
time and again,
is not in some vain hope of seeing,
in the pelagic mist, a faint,
ethereal vision of myself, smiling.

Where once was heard faint chatter
and deafening screams of joy,
there is now only the hushing of waves.
Washing away memories of better days.

No Ships

"There! On the horizon Captain!
The enemy's vast flotilla!
Cold and industrial,
Oppressive grey beasts.
Carrying worthless, yet valuable cargo."

"I see no ships..." replied the Captain.

"They are there plain as day,
Shattering God's magnificent
Division of sea and sky
With their uniform, martial form."

"I see no ships..." replied the Captain.

"On the shore, their spoils of war!
Empty polymer vessels bobbing as waves break.
Crumbling oxidised metal tins
Cursing our bounteous, beautiful home!"

"I see no ships..." replied the Captain.

"I wonder, Captain, if you are aware
that you are holding your telescope
against your blind eye?"

"I see no ships..." replied the Captain.

"I fear it is not unfortunate affliction
that strikes thee blind. But your mind
and its twisted machinations.
See beyond sight. Through the fog
of learned ignorance, and with clarity.
Then you shall see the wicked
Navy amassed in the distance!"

"I see no ships..." replied the Captain.

The Mermaid

She sat gazing longingly.
Cast static, like a statue of bronze.
Assessing the flecks liberally littering the shore
and the speckled, freckled stars
in the night sky's vacuous pitch.
And she saw,
they were similar.
A vast expanse, graceful and free.
And she longed to return.
To one or the other.
Her rocky pedestal was no throne,
for she dreamed to return and be Queen
of the freeing cacophonous crash
of wet watery wave on stoic rock.
Waiting to be free.
Waiting to be home.

Folkestone: Where Nothing Ever Happens

Heaven is a place
Where nothing ever happens.
Where misplaced items lay,
mourning their owner's absent-mindedness,
for Aeons, like nihilistic relics.
Where the tide,
with tedious uniformity,
only to inevitably
with disappointment.
Where the seeded weeds on rocks
seem eternal, slippery and unchanged.
Where the only sound to break the silence
is the fascist sea
telling all who dare to speak or sing
Where rests only grey, soulless sand
or dirty brown mud.

Is this Heaven? Or Hell?

Heaven is a place
where nothing ever happens.
Colourful misplaced shoes, rags
and miscellany.
A testament to man's humour
and forgetfulness.
Halcyon relics of love, laughter and activity.
Where the percussive tide
dances to the rhythm of life
with uniformity, but soul.
like a beating drum.
Where strong seaweeds
parade their prowess,
remaining ever present,
and children wail with laughter
as they climb
Where the sea begs you to
Only so you can appreciate her
delicate roar above your joy.
Where huge rude dawbings
break the monotony of the sands
bringing mirth to all who seem them
from the towering cliffs.
And dank mud, strewn
with lost wellies
and sodden bicycles
telling of jolly misfortune.

Where nothing ever happens?
Could be Heaven or Hell,
depends on how you look at it.

To Dream

"To sleep, perchance to dream..."
But I desire not the heady
flights of fancy in my unconsciousness.

When a nightmare strikes me,
I want it to be conscious.
My sentience quivering in fear
as adrenaline clutches at my
rapidly thumping heart
pulling it into the dank,
murderous arched alleyway
of my throat.
Nightmares stalk the Earth during day,
and to feel them,
to know them,
one can fight them.
Laying prone and peaceful
none should fear.

And my dreams.
The colourful butterfly wishes
of love.
They are useless when at rest.
I want to feel the wellspring of joy
burst forth from my dilated,
glassy eyes.
I want ever kind thought
and idealistic hope to warm
the cold, depressing body of reality.
I want to be aware of the flight
of my soul through the pages
of imagined fantasy.
To dream in day is to change the world.
To lay prone and peaceful,
one can change nothing.

And so, to sleep, perchance not to dream.
But to rest in the peaceful arms
of existential emptiness.
To swim static in the abyssal sea of naught.
As my mind feasts gluttonously on the rest
and prepares itself
to feel, to fear, to love, to hope.
To ensure my body is ready
to fight the vicious, cruel nightmares
and instigating idealistic, rainbow dreams.

Desolate Canyons

The teardrops of those in need,
having dripped softly on my shoulders,
eroded my flesh, they formed
vast canyons of memories.

And yet those canyons
are widened
by my own tears.
When I
have no shoulder for
their bitter cascade.

The aged pages,
the leaves of my heart,
were left open for you.
I open it to so many,
yet so few read it.
They merely doodle
selfish etchings
in the margins.
"I woz 'ere
<smiley face>"
Like some childish taunt.

My arms, too,
are always open.
Yet my body meets
no comfort
nor embrace.
I merely bounce
off the rudely folded
arms of others.

When you said
"I'll always be there for you."
You lied.
You meant
"I'll only be there for you
when it doesn't inconvenience me
or bring my mood down."
You get no comfort from mine,
Like I do yours.
For when you're smiling
you're thinking not of me.
You forget that once
it was your tears
forming waterfalls
over my shoulders.
And in doing so
you make sure
it is mine.

Misery and Cigarettes

On days like this there can be no joy that sparks my heart to wishful life,
For perspective mars all my home comforts with oppressive global strife.
I think too much to truly remain in a state of ignorant, selfish bliss.
My heart, though cold to I, warms others. My lips, though warm, are cold to kiss.
So spare the words of motivation. No speech could loosen these muscle stiff.
No start for hearts that beat so sombre can come from Rudyard Kipling's 'If'.
I choose my stasis, I choose this path, so that of sadness no one forgets.
I think too much of others' strife. My only friends are misery and cigarettes.

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Redemption of the Sea Cur

The sombre waves delicately rocked the sides of the ship like a comforting mother’s hand on a cradle. The tears and laments from within needing the comfort of a maternal bosom; and what greater mother is there than the sea? It is She from whom we were born – the very womb of evolution and life – and she to whom so many return via tragedy.

“Captain, we’re starting in a few minutes.” whispered a voice so delicate it seemed the gentle draught coming into the cabin would shatter it into sharp shards.

The captain glanced at his watch - a simple, yet elegant time piece. He stared at it longer than usual, contemplating its every tick and tock. Considering how cruel was the passage of time, and the events that come with it and how he would very much like to stop it – just for a moment – and know true peace. He coughed as if to defy his emotions, and rubbed his eyes, before straightening up his dark coat.


“We are mere merchants! Not pirates!” screamed the captain at the privateers, their flintlocks drawn and ready to unleash a hail of shot at the first opportunity. “You have no business coming aboard. We mean no harm and have all the necessary papers. We have right to travel these seas.” The captain waved his hands with gestures to some of his crew, and they nodded back in affirmation.

“These seas? These seas!?” came a cocky voice from behind a crowd of armed men. “These seas are my seas.” A very well dressed man stepped forward. His brushed velvet coat was a dazzling black, but his shirt hung loosely around his torso. His boots gave an authoritative clop on the wooden boards of the deck – as if punctuating his importance with the percussion of his heels. The gentleman adjusted his hat, and gazed beyond its brim at the captain.

The captain rolled his eyes and gritted his teeth. “Admiral Long. There was me thinking you men had made some error coming aboard. Privateers are usually bad enough – nothing but pirates with a licence from a bloodthirsty, greedy monarch. But with Long in charge...You’re nothing but devils of destruction. Typhoon winds that carry everything with you but destroy it all in the process.”

“It’s been a while, hasn’t it captain.” replied Admiral Long, confidence in his voice. “I must admit I thought you’d be out of the picture when we sank the Helena. Or did the captain not go down with his ship?”

“This captain never goes down with his ship – his men neither. If we’re to die, we’re to die trying to live another day. We’ll not die as drowning dogs for tradition, for pomp or for ceremony. We are a life and sailor to a man and the sea is ours to command, not to submit to!”

“Ever the idealist, eh captain?”
The two looked at each other. The captain’s crew were helpless. With arms in the air they had no way to fight back against the swords and pistols of Her Majesty’s well armed, cut-throat privateers. “Weren’t always quite such a pacifist, were you? Haha! Remember that time on San.  Jorge Island? HA! You gutted that chap like a pig in a butcher shop! MERCILESS! Merciless you were - you could have been the greatest. You could have had the biggest pirate fleet in these waters – but you gave it up. You gave it all up. And your crew with it...”

The captain’s pirate past had never been something he had hidden. Nor did he wear it as a badge of honour. He wore it as a badge of shame, and disgust. He wore it to show repentance. To show his crew how things should be done. There are riches enough for all who sail the seas such that they need not compete if only they’d level their greed. Instead, the greed grows, exponentially. The more there is the more is lusted for. Locals, governments, monarchs, pirates, they all want their share. Most would kill to get it. Yet the greatest tragedy is there is enough for all. None need die for riches – yet in his past, the captain had exacted just such murder in pursuit of wealth. He had shot, cut, choked, beat, robbed, raped and plundered and he knew he was a despicable human being. He knew he was utterly detestable. His only path to penance was to try to teach others that there was another way to do things. That there need be no violence and that service for service, riches for riches there was enough such that no mother need find out her son has been butchered by a pirate. So that no wife needs hear that her merchant sailor husband has been killed resisting privateers who falsely believe they have some right of ‘repossession’ of ships and goods on the seas.

Bagpipes cut the shushing sound of wind on wave as the captain left his cabin. The air felt dense, thick with the stench of misery, anger and regret - of rueful words said, and words ruefully unspoken. The weather, too, conspired in the mood. Whipping up biting winds, and painting the sky a foreboding shade of grey.

He marched slowly, through a crowd of crew all looking at him, to a man, with piercing gazes and seeing that beneath the dark coat and stoic appearance, there were tears within their captain - blood too. Yet he refused to shed both at this point. At times like these, people are only too aware that they are human. That for all the thought and idealism, that for whatever religious codes of conduct they carried themselves under, whatever philosophies they followed, whatever politics they believed, they were just human. Thus on this day was the lowliest cabin boy held in the same reverence as the captain himself. They all needed each other.

“There’s nothing for you on this ship.” said the captain defiantly. “So what do you want!?”

“Captain, captain, captain,” Long uttered with an enduring smug sneer. “Is it not obvious? Aye, you have in your hold goods – goods that I could seize under my orders, and could be worth a lot of money to me. You also have a crew of people that would make excellent prisoners. The ship, too, is well worth capture. She’d make a fine privateer.”

“Privateer. You’re nothing but thugs and pirates. Cease the self-indulgent rhetoric and tell me what you want!”

“I want you, dear captain.” Admiral Long gave the captain a cold stare. “Do you not remember? Once we were partners in our dealings. We were friends. We were comrades in arms. We were pirates together, friend!”

“Some time has passed since then, Long. Time enough for our grievances to be only so much current to have passed beneath the hulls of the ships we now run. If you still feel so slighted as to need to terrorise my ship with your gang of barbarians then so be it – but that is not a matter of things needing resolution. It is merely a fabrication of your own lack of clarity and consciousness – and a testament to your disgusting vanity.”

“My vanity? And what of your vanity ‘captain’? What about your transformation from renowned brute into a Christ-like martyr merchant?”

“You seek no penance from me for the past brutalities I committed against any innocent party, Long. You seek penance for the rightful punishment I dished out to you. Do not be so petty as to try to turn my atoning for my past mistakes into vanity – change is possible where one has humanity, something for which you are sadly lacking – through my foolishness...”

“Remember our skirmishes? The air alive with the crack of powder explosions as shot tore flesh in the name of plunder, the clang of swords as we ripped through false lawkeepers and hypocrites who all believed themselves to be bastions of peace when they were no less harbingers of chaos than we were? This was the Titans versus the Gods of classic mythology – and we, captain, we were the Gods! We were untouchable, unbeatable - invincible. We owned islands from horizon to horizon. We ruled these seas. The blood running in the streets was the symbol of our power – the wealth we held unimaginable – and the women, why eventually we did not even have to take them by force – they were throwing themselves at us for our reputations arrived at shore hours before we did.”

“And delight in this we did, perceiving it to be just, believing that this was the lawless land and we merely the rightful owners of it. But these lands, these seas, no one can possess. Are you proud of the men you’ve killed? The lives you’ve hurt, the orphaned children and the defiled women? Are you proud of these things? Power is nothing but rum – intoxicating and distracting but providing nothing of peace for a man’s soul. Every day I was drunk and numb to the screams of pain, to the suffering. I caused suffering and then – in one moment of clarity I changed it.”

Admiral Long gave a piercing look. “Clarity – is that what you call shooting a fellow sailor and abandoning one’s crew?”

“We were not mere sailors, Long, we were savages, wild animals with boats yet we dared feign codes of honour!?”

A few years previous, the captain, Long and the rest of his crew dropped anchor just off Port Victoria – a large town on an island previously left alone. Its relative safety made it a haven for families. A peaceful place in which men and women could thrive – a town of opportunity, equality, peace and values made such, not by heavy handed law and order, but by trade and diplomacy. Most pirates had friends or relatives living there – or knew of others who had friends and relatives there. They also knew that when such time came as they wanted a rest, Port Victoria welcomed them so long as they came unarmed and respected their laws and customs. All were accommodated, no matter their corruption. Port Victoria did not discriminate, and saw the good in all.

The captain gently moved his ship up to the Island. The waters were flat and calm, such as he had never experienced before nor would again. The air was warm, but the humidity perfect. There was no oppressive pressure in the air and an occasional gentle breeze cut the warmth and gave cooling, welcome kisses to the bronzed, leathery skin of him and his crew. The sun lit up the buildings of the nearby port, making them all look gilded and inviting. The captain and his crew accepted the invitation.

Not used to hostile approaches, the people of Port Victoria saw the boats rowing to shore but thought nothing of it. They merely believed it was another crew of pirates seeking rest and recuperation. Children played, giggling, in the streets – their parents working, either within the home or within one of many of the small business that were numerous and thriving in Port Victoria. They prepared for the arrival of the pirates by straightening up their wares, dusting down the seats in their bars, and donning welcoming smiles - the airs and graces of society worn as a mask of pleasant ignorance in the face of awaiting savagery.

The rowboats pulled up to the shore to be met with the usual welcome  of apathy and business as usual. Business as usual it was for the pirates too. Their amoral face contorted into bestial grins, a stark juxtaposition to those welcoming radiance on the faces of their victims. Where we would see people, lives lived, joys and loves – the pirates saw only fun and money. It did not take long for the cries of panic to ring out, as a scurvy ridden sailor placed his lecherous hands upon a passing young woman, others drew swords and pistols. A man arrived to defend the lady’s honour, and was their target. The crack of the black powder sounded like an earthquake that day, as a lead ball pierced a man’s chest – the chest of a righteous man.

More shots rang out and clapped like rapturous applause from some deity of mayhem, misery and murder. Swords rend flesh to rags and ribbons, shot cannoned through the streets with accompanying smoke – a hazy greeting to Elysium for many who lay prostrate and bleeding in those streets – men, women and children - all of fair nature and kind heart, slain. “All in good fun lads, all in good fun.” Screams pierced the sky, tearing it apocalyptically in two and in the middle of the tear – in objective clarity – stood the captain.

Had he just gone soft, or had he been soft all along to follow the tradition of such savagery and inhumanity? Was the stronger, harder thing to do not fight to stop these sorts of things, rather than engage in them or meet them on their own terms? The soldiers and officials who came to meet them, swords drawn, muskets ready, were just as guilty as they – for they all took life indiscriminately, they all profited from discord and death, and they all believed what they were doing was right. The captain watched a child, a young boy, cowering, beneath a gutting table on the jetty. The child had no idea which was fish blood and which was human – he merely gazed at his red stained hands, with mucous melting down his lips, tears cascading from his eyes as if rejecting the very horrors that they saw, and his mouth agape like the suffocating maw of a fish who may be seen atop the table, not beneath it. Frozen in this moment, the captain’s blank stares were interrupted as through the haze he caught glimpse of Long, his trousers around his ankles, his hands all over the young lady who had been the catalyst of this butchery. Her once fair, porcelain face turned red with screaming, anxiety and suffering - Long’s hands all over her thighs, tugging at her dress with a big grin on his face that matched the disgusting cleft on his bare buttocks - dirty, unclean, disgusting. One last act, the captain thought, one final show of savagery left in his broken mind. He drew his pistols. Unloading them in Long’s general direction the shots penetrated, one in his back, and one in his thigh. His once covetous lechery left with limpness as he slumped. The girl pushed him away and ran. The captain’s shots, to him, seemed to ring out above all others. Yet no other paid any attention. They were lost in the mists of gunshot, plunder and adrenaline. The captain ran. In a fit of panic, he ran. He climbed back into the rowboat, the tender to his old ship – a ship he had once proudly sailed in the name of destruction – and he rowed. He rowed until his arms burned and seized.

From there he drifted, literally and figuratively. A once bullishly proud pirate captain turned shell of a man – an aberration, an apparition. He could not have said precisely what, if anything, upon that day caused his sudden change. While he drifted at sea he pondered on it. He was no God-fearing man, and having known evil and how it can so invade goodness, he could not believe in a God or the cheap divine intervention such a deity could provide. He was a man of logic, of reason – and the only reasonable assumption he could make is that upon that day he was born, and became human. His life until that day had merely been a proxy. The fabrication of superficial constructs. The pursuit of wealth and power by any means, often prescribed as a notion so human by other flawed philosophers, he saw as but a lie to keep fools in the pursuit of such things where neither exists. In his travels, he had known natives who lived in peace, each with their place, each sharing their crafts with the rest. He had merely proclaimed them savages and ransacked them. They did not follow his Western philosophies and ideologies. They knew not of gold and government. They knew only life, yet they the savages?

After days spent at sea, without food and his small flask of water drained and dry, he begged for mercy. He begged a God he had no belief in for release - for a starved, dehydrated, sorry death befitting a merciless cur such as he. Yet, with no God to hear his prayers, they were not granted. His boat rocked in the arms of the only mother he had ever known, the ocean, upon the shores of a small town. There, in the arms of another powerful woman, he found his healing and salvation. Not through God, but through humanity, he was nursed back to health by a kind heart he scarce deserved. There the captain resigned himself to a life of guilt, penance and peace – not in himself, for he would never know peace, but in encouraging peace in others.

“This is not about responsibilities, captain. Ha! Do you think I care that, like a coward, you betrayed your men? Do you think I care that our boat was left without our inspirational captain? Do you think we wept over you?” Long spoke sarcastically. “No, no, no. Captain this is not about responsibilities. This is about revenge! This is about me finally paying you back for sticking two shots in me and leaving me to die in the heat of battle while you slunk away like a worm running from the sun.”

“We...Long...We were monsters. Seems you still are, but I merely stopped you from being more of one. It is of no consolation to you, but I am sorry. I am sorry to have had you on my crew, I am sorry I taught you the wrong lessons, and I am sorry I had to shoot you for my mistakes...I’m...I...” The captain was interrupted by a sight from the corner of his eye - a slight crack in the opening of the door to the hold. He glanced at one of his mates, and then back at the crack and then at Long – who had noticed his wandering eyes. Long clasped at the butt of his pistol, and aimed it at the captain’s head with suspicion.

Time stood still, yet events occurred all the same. It seemed nothing can stop the endless passing of one moment to the next, not even time itself. A scream of “Daddy!” came from so young, fair and enrapturing a voice as it may have been a siren, as the captain’s young daughter wrestled her way free from the desperate clutches of her mother. Both put in the hold for their protection upon first sight of the potentially hostile ship in the distance. As the small child, the captain’s only true salvation, the only good he could say he had ever produced, the only thing that could stem the hate and loathing for himself and his past, careered towards him – too young, too naive, too ignorant of the danger – so did a musket-ball career towards her. From the hair trigger, and flintlock, of some eager crewmember of the respectable Admiral Long of Her Majesty’s sanctioned privateers. Shots rang out, and memories with them for the captain. Thoughts back to his days as a pirate, of the skirmishes, the raids, the plunder, the suffering and false glory. His child lay bleeding. His wife burst through the door, lost in her own haze of powder smoke and maternity, to clutch at her prone baby. Her shrill cry seeming to attract more fire, she slumped as she embraced her infant – warm tears falling from her blank, piercing eyes – as if gazing into heaven itself – transfixed.

As the captain had fled, all those years ago, from Port Victoria, so did Admiral Long and his crew. Only he did so with none of the remorse, none of the insight, none of the guilt that the captain had done so with. He admired his work – he had killed hope. Love and salvation lay breathing shallow, slow and for the final few times on the deck of that ship and he delighted in it.

The captain stepped out into the bitter cold air, his long coat providing an embrace, yet it provided little comfort. Pats on the back caused a skip in his composure as his lips trembled and his eyes, once so steely to the fixed gaze of death were now glassy with tears – human. The pipes still droned dirges, rumbling the air with sorrow. There, upon the deck, being doused in rain, were the captain’s wife – the love to whom he owed all – and his daughter, the love to whom he gave all. Peacefully resting, as the captain was cursed never to be, in their caskets.

He walked slowly, meticulously, rhythmically, to the heads of the caskets. He place his hands upon them, and gently caressed the wood as if it were their faces, and bit his lip so hard it drew blood, that dribbled down his chin as he let out a stifled sob, before clasping a hand to his face, he wiped the blood away. Leaning over the caskets, he kissed them - first his wife, and then his daughter. All the while, he tenderly felt the planed timber – the container for this cargo of precious souls, treasured memories and unconditional love for a man so undeserving of it.

“A priest...” the captain said quietly, and chokingly, before he cleared his throat and addressed the surrounding crew members who stood in solidarity not with their captain – but a fellow human being in the pain of grief. “A priest...” he said more affirmatively, “would say “God giveth, and God taketh away.” What a short- sighted lack of responsibility those cowards have - hiding the actions of men behind their sorry faith. If there is a God who gave me life, she lies peacefully in this casket.” He tapped upon his wife’s coffin, and stroked it lovingly. His head moved erratically, his eyes darted from place to place and his lips quivered like shivering pink slugs. “This woman...This true angel on Earth, she is my creator. She took a broken demon and made him human. She heard all my tales, she heard all my wrong doings, the suffering I doled out to others and seeing the misery I suffered from them...she...she took pity.” The captain bowed his head, as tears fell silently from his eyes and mixed in with the rain on the deck as the sky cried with him. “She took pity on a monster!” he sobbed as he fell to his knees. “And she,” he said stroking his daughter’s coffin, “she gave a man who knew only the hopeless finality of death - she gave him hope...Hope for life...” The crew stood intently and listened to their captain, their hearts rose in their sorry chests, and their eyes were reservoirs of misery. “I’ll hear nothing of Gods when man is responsible for giving, and man responsible for taking away. A priest may only speak in hollow rhetoric...Of what his God may provide by means of salvation, but these two...They gave me that salvation themselves - in their love, in their compassion and in the joy of their smiles.” The captain mopped his brow, and his mate offered a handkerchief, sodden with the grime of honest work, which the captain accepted with a warm linking of hands, and a meeting of eyes that was all too human. “Just as they gave so much to this man, so it was another through which they were taken. I see how no God could so desire two more angels for his greedy collection when too few dwell upon the Earth. No...If you seek the power of the divine, men, look for it within yourselves because I promise you it is there and when you find it – Oh, how you shall call its name - and its name is love.” The captain stood straight, and took in a salty oceanic breath, and casting his eyes over his men, continued. “Too long...Men...Too long has mankind lived within the walls of fear and insecurity. Competition and greed are the result and gaze now upon what that leads to.” He placed his hands gently upon the caskets once again. “Herein rests the product. Two smiles never again to light the darkness, two laughs never again to raise the joy in our sunken breasts, two hearts never again to light the fires of love in us all. How many more souls need leave us too soon for fear, for greed, for worthless ideas and philosophies, for meaningless flags and borders and for petty, cyclic vengeance? Look within yourselves for the power to stop it, for love conquers fear.” The captain paused. The rain beat his furrowed brow and the wind whipped his hair in chaotic flicks. He cried. “Today, men, we say goodbye. Today we consign the bodies of love and salvation back to the maternal confines of the depths of the sea – Back into that great womb. But we must give birth. We must give birth to love in our hearts and to compassion in our actions, for we are human, one and all. There are but two ranks on these great seas; babes and corpses. We are all born naked and crying, and one day we all return to that void from whence we came. Let no one convince you otherwise. Let no hierarchy mask your perceptions - let no artificially imposed authority tell you there is one more than your equal. This is the lesson these two divine beings taught me and so long as there is cursed blood pumped by my black heart in my weary veins, these two shall live on...They shall...They shall live on.” The captain fell to his knees once again. His words imparted, his speech done, he no longer had need for the composure of ceremony and he fell to the deck and clutched at each casket as best he could, his bawling rendered the very howling winds silent. Some crew stood in sombre respect, some wiped tears from their own faces and a couple went over to pick up their captain, their brother, their equal. The captain clutched at one and buried his head in his chest, and wept as the two coffins were carried to the side of the ship, and were gently lowered, cradled – as the captain watched in tears – into the welcoming arms of their mother, the sea.


Trumpet mouthed, gawping beasts
produce sound incessantly,
shouting, shouting, louder than the rest.
A resonant note rings, a hum, a buzz.
They create the thoughts and fads
and fashions of willing ears,
turned like radars to them.
And those who claim they refuse to listen
still get carried on the waves of fitting in.

Meanwhile, polite cries call
from the back of an empty room.
Meekly asking your attention.

Saturday, 15 September 2012


Death is not something we, as people, like to consider. A horrible, grim face hanging over us through our measly portion of days. But what, I ask, would we do if days were not so scarce in our fleeting lives? Would we live better as a result, or merely worse?

One of mankind's biggest challenges is to smash this idea that we are invincible. We are all well aware of our own mortality, that much is true. Yet we live like this were not the case. We seek advantages to squeeze into our mere three score and ten years. We are conditioned, quite horribly, to strive to provide for our offspring beyond our deaths, despite their being , presumably, more than capable to provide for themselves. We are encouraged to live as much as possible. Sadly, in this world, with this order, that means extracting as much as we can for ourselves and our lineage, much to the detriment of all else. Other people, other beings, other lifeforms, other organisms - they can all go to hell as far as we are told to concern ourselves. What matters is ours and our own.

These divides are always based upon kinship, as they are in nature. But unlike in nature we are made to fight against our better judgment. We do not for the species. We do not for our genetic kin. We do for our enforced kin. Our families, our friends, our fellows in belief, our fellows in nation, our fellows in artificially created society. Ask yourselves what is wrong with this? We are a creature that by statistical significance, is as much chimpanzee as human being. Indeed, by statistical significance we are probably as much sponge as human being. So why, then, do we insist on keeping our advantage within our own sphere?

What is more, has man not reason? Can we not think? I had always assumed we could. The problem is, we are so intelligent that while we can think, so can we be manipulated to think certain ways. Especially so when indoctrination into thinking in those ways begins before our birth and continues well into senescence.

We, human beings, are so blessed with mental capacity that we are as much children of environment as we are of genetics and upbringing. Genes can be switched on and off, and instincts too, by what we are taught, what we experience and what we feel growing up. So here is what I propose to teach.

I propose to teach every human being the utter fleetingness of their life outside the sphere of humanity. To put it into a universal, a planetary, a living, a biological kingdom, a biological phylum, a biological class, a biological order, a biological family, a biological tribe, a biological family and a biological species, order. To teach each and every individual just how truly, incredibly, unbelievably insignificant they are - and to teach them also just how statistically unlikely they are and how this makes them truly special. I propose we teach people the nature of existence and, for all organisms, how short it is in the scale of universal time. To teach every single living person on this planet just how lucky they are to be alive, how unlikely their life is and why, therefore, it is imperative we protect and improve all life, particularly that which is too vulnerable to protect itself.

We are but a brief sneeze in time. A statistical anomaly in space. We are nothing, yet we are everything. From the first moment RNA was somehow fabricated to the evolved, DNA based beings we are now - we are but a footnote in the annals of eternity, and this is what truly makes life so precious. Life is not precious because we have it, it is precious because we all - all living species upon Earth, someday will not. Life is not precious because of the clothes you wear, the music you listen to, the television you enjoy, the company you keep or the moments you spend. Life is precious because, but for statistical chance, none of them could exist - and failing statistical impossibility - all will one day be gone. Maybe some think this is a dreadfully depressing and nihilistic attitude to take. But are not the most short-lived of wonderful moments the most precious? Should we not, as a human race, be aiming to maximise the number of these moments for all, rather than hoarding them for ourselves? Should we not at least try to make the world a better place, so that future generations may gaze upon the legacy we have left them and say "All this was made possible by a few who realised why life was truly sacred...Not because life was, but because it just as easily may not have been, and certainly will not be in the future"?

I don't ask for a huge change in all those living. Choices are easy, enforcing them when the social order is against you is very difficult. But I do ask for a change. I ask for a change in mindset, from one that declares life as sacred - after all, this merely enforces the ego-driven idea that our individual life must be more sacred to us than others - to one that declares life as merely a fleeting random chance. I ask for a change in mindset that says that pursuit of one's own gains should only be taken so as to provide more for those disadvantageous enough not to receive those gains. I ask for a change that sees all human life as TRULY equal, from the richest to the poorest - the healthiest to the sickest - the youngest to the oldest. We are all bonded by life, we will all be unified in death. We are either babes or corpses and nothing more nor less.

Maybe it is egotistical of me to ask this from people who do not think like me. But ego is merely expression of self, and I am a sad and desperate man who is hurt more by others' suffering than by his own. My ego asks that everyone accept this parity and demand change, so that those whose suffering we feel suffer no more. I am, also, the kind of egotist who would put himself on the line to see this happen. Is this a bad ego? You tell me...

I have seen, in my too short a number of days on this Earth, many people living. People getting on with their lives, doing their own thing, without knowingly harming others. This is how life should be. But only in a world where others are not harmed by this ignorance and apathy. Sadly, the comforts we enjoy do come at the cost of the comfort and quality of life of others. This is what I ask we consider. This is what I ask we change. For the good of humanity, and the good of all life on the planet.

Peace and love.

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Zombmemes: I Herd U Liek Undeadz

“How are we going to tell the people Bill? You’re so anxious in your rehearsal, you need to know what to say and when to say it!?” The nervous producer said tentatively.

Bill was not amused, his tie flicked angrily like it were the forked tongue of some hungry lizard, he slammed his hand on the desk angrily and screamed “FUCK IT! WE’LL DO IT LIVE!” Bill embarrassed himself somewhat by doing this but most people were already aware of his crippling douchebagitis and so just laughed.

The time for doing it live came (that’s what she said) – and Bill was more relaxed and sombre. His voice now carried an air of paternal comfort, but beneath that thin veneer of false compassion, everyone knew Bill was still a heartless demon. “Ladies and Gentlemen, we come to you live with this emergency bulletin. Yesterday, at approximately 6pm, a small child, known as Charlie, bit his brother – on the finger, allegedly. This set into motion a trail of events that today has led to the deaths of millions and threatens to kill more – indeed, it threatens to kill us all. Humans get bitten, they turn into zombies – You can’t explain that! The government advises that you kindly sit tight and allow yourselves to die while the rich people hide away underground ready to enslave survivors in FEMA camps once it has all blown over. Now here’s a clip of a reporter treading grapes and falling over!”


Philosoraptor’s Thoughts

If a human bites a zombie, does the zombie turn human?

“Ancient Aliens Guy, Y U NO HAVE THE ANSWERS!?” said Y U NO Guy.

“I don’t know the answers. But I know who sent us the questions...It was aliens! Do you know extraterrestrials helped develop mankind!?”

“Cool story, bro!” came a sarcastic reply.

“But what are we going to do?” came a vaguely sensible voice!

“They bite, we fight. Only doubt holds you back!” came a husky voice from the back.

“Erm...You’re a wolf, who the fuck are you to give advice!?” the sensible voice piped up again.

“Look, all I know,” said Bear, “Is that, when a zombie apocalypse comes...You’re going to need to drink a lot of your own piss!”

“DRINK ALL THE PISS!” another excited voice screamed.

“I say we fight. Get me a M1 Garand, with a scope and a bayonet and shit, I’ll rip the zombies to shreds like I do on Nazi Zombies all the fucking time, bro! BOOM! HEADSHOT!” said an enthusiastic young man.

“Watch out!” Neil added, “We got a badass over here!”

The boy’s father stepped in to make sure everyone knew this was false bravado. “Son...” he said, the pause being one pregnant with an infant of shame, much as the boy’s mother had been, “...I am disappoint.”

“I can’t fight! I took an arrow in the knee!” said a tired old knight. “Hinders my movement, you see. I’ll probably die!” His defeated manner of speech made Keanu sad.

“YOU DON’T SAY!” shouted a rather threatening, apathetic Nic Cage.

Socially Awkward Penguin Says;

Bite playfully during sex...

...Get shot for being zombie.

“Right, this looks dangerous.” said the sensible voice, now in different company than previously, having left on account of their all being silly memes. “We’ve got a horde of vicious flesh eaters outside the door. How are we going to get through!?”

“DO A BARREL ROLL!” said Peppy.

“Peppy, now is not the time to...”

“DO A BARREL ROLL!” Peppy interrupted.

“Here’s what we’ll do...” Someone else said.

“...A barrel roll?” Peppy interrupted again.

“I’ll charge through, get to that KFC over there where I’ll get hot oil and clear the way for the rest of you leaving in my wake a pile of crispy deep fried zombie...”

“Okay, great plan, when will we...” replied the sensible voice before being interrupted again.


RULE 34!

...and Leeroy ploughed through them all the way to the chicken shop. The spicy, oily aromas filled his nostrils and suddenly the brushed stainless steel of the kitchen was very alluring.

“Leeroy?” Said Sensible.

“DO A BARREL ROLL!” said Peppy.

“Leeroy!?” Sensible said again. “Leeroy!? LEEROY!? AREN’T YOU GOING TO HELP US! YOU CAN’T JUST STAY THERE, YOU’LL DIE!”

“...least I have chicken...” he replied, and nommed some juicy chicken titties.

Sensible facepalmed.

“DO A BARREL ROLL!” said Peppy, and forehead met the heel of the hand once more. “No, you daft motherfuckers! Listen to me. There’s a big fucking barrel of explosive there – precariously dangled above the area in which we are worrying about how to get through the fucking zombies. ROLL THE FUCKING BARREL – It’ll go boom, we all win! Motherfuckers never listen to me...DO A BARREL ROLL, DO A BARREL ROLL! I suppose you think it’s a big joke! IT’S SOUND FUCKING ADVICE!” Peppy added angrily and was correct. A huge barrel was above there, but there was one problem. It seemed to be held in place...BY MAGNETS!

“FUCKING MAGNETS! How do they work!?” came the voice of a fat man pretending to be tough by wearing excessive amounts of makeup.

Luckily, sensible realised that the magnetic force was quite a weak one and with enough resistance it can easily be overcome, so he pushed the barrel and it rolled down and hit the zombies and they exploded into lots of bits of rotting meat and shit. Following behind, Xzibit approached the zombies with a new weapon.

“Yo dawg! I heard you like shotgun shells, so I put shotgun shells on your shotgun shells so you can get shot while you’re being shot!” He cried triumphantly, and got into his car-inside-a-car, opening the passenger side door tauntingly “YO DAWG!” he said with even more excitement, “I heard you like shotguns, so I put shotguns in your shotguns – then you get in here,” he pointed to the passenger seat “And you can ride shotgun while you shotgun with shotguns!”

“X-to-tha-motherfuckin’-Z, I do rather suspect you have a mental problem. I’m not sure you should be shotgunning while you shotgun with all those shotguns and a twice shotgun shelled zombie riding shotgun. Health and safety, you know?” said Sensible, sensibly.

Trolololol’s Advice

I suggest you put on the radio! There’s an emergency broadcast telling you where to go to get help and be protected!

*Puts on radio*

“Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna run around and desert you...”










Is that a member of the walking dead, come back to life to feast upon our living human flesh?

Nope, Chuck Testa!


“Laydeez an jentulmans. Is meh, Ceiling Cat. Am come to tells yoo awl dat fings is rilly okai! Am deeling wiz teh problums now. Iz just sum zombeez. COME AT ME BRO! YEAH! NOT SO TOUGH NOW! “ Ceiling cat said reassuringly, and being an omniscient, omnipotent sort, probably got shit done.

And so, ceiling cat, and the army of irritatingly cute, brightly coloured and adored by adult men ponies kicked the zombie threat out of Memeland – Possibly with a Zerg rush.

“You’ll never be a successful writer with shit like this!” said Cereal Guy.

Many Pokémon joined the battle too, including Mudkips. I herd you liek mudkipz.

“Serious, he’s not going to end like this is he!?” Cereal Guy added.

And not a single fuck was given that day.

“Pftpsphrphftplsplat!” Apart from by cereal guy, who spat his cereal fucking everywhere. 

Friday, 6 July 2012


Alone atop a hill sat a wish. A dream. 
His hair flowing casually in the breeze, 
like it was dancing. A tango of truth. 
He gazed wistfully into the distance, 
his blank expression telling a story. 
A tale of woe. Of battles lost and won. 
Of love and loss. Of a dead heart. 

The sun rose in the distance.
Hugging the horizon and reflected
in the ocean, like a sea of gold. 
He watched. But it did not stir him.
For warmth was a pain to him. 
He had no regard for himself. 
He was a wish for others. 
He was their dream. Their desire. 

He was a body without form. 
A deserving unworthiness. 
An ego with self disregard. 
He was but a dream. 
Fearing the awakening.  

Your Unicorn is Just a Horse

One day you must just close the book
and tell yourself 
“The fairytale does not exist.”

The melancholy shall pass. 
You will learn the hollow futility 
of mourning the loss 
of something you never even had
to lose. 

Your eyes, strained and teary
will, for a while, 
see only shades of sad blue-grey. 
But colour will return. 
Vibrancy will come again. 

And as you see the world anew
you will spy new opportunities. 
New tales, greater than those fictions. 
You will see that your unicorn 
is just a horse. 
But with it you can do many a great thing. 

And the truth. That provides great clarity. 
In this tale
even the good guys die in the end.  

Ice Cream

Delicate crystals twinkle, 
formed into a ball and placed
atop a waffled king 
like some sweet, majestic crown. 

Each molten drip that falls
down the sides of the crispy
body that holds it aloft,
looking like creamy tears of joy.

And each lap a labour of love
as you savour the sweet creamy flavour. 
Ice cold, yet so warming.
A sweet treat, a delight in heat.  

It's About Fucking

Two vines intertwined 
a verdant mesh and mangle.
Dripping dew drops 
the malachite lovers entangled 
in unbridled glory. 

Nature holds no greater beauty. 
As one viridian beast locks with another, 
fairer in texture, in heart, in spirit
and clasps his myriad tendrils around her
prickling at her delicate stoma
with his proud, erect thorns. 

A savagely beautiful act, 
from which flowers bloom
and sweet fruits grow;
and seeds of progeny planted
make the miracle of life.  


What cosmic sweet nothings are whispered, 
softly, and lovingly into the ears of the sky
to make it blush such a rich magenta
as the sun rises and falls?

What words of love, 
or delicate, yet unsuspected kiss
does the sun bestow upon her 
that she should turn such shade? 

Aye, but a blushing sky is only half as magnificent
as the delicate rose hued cheeks of a lady. 
Her coy smile setting her face in a pose
so timeless and pulchritudinous 
as a pre-Raphaelite oil on canvas. 

How I long to brush those rouged cheeks
with my rude, unworthy hand. 
How much I want to embrace that timeless beauty
and absorb the warmth emanating from her soul
and ease the freezing of my own shattered icicle heart. 
So that I, like the sky, may feel kissed by the sun. 
And hear those same words that make our cerulean canopy
turn pink, and flushed with arousal. 

Moments Part II

Time’s knife slices lines of longitude
and darkness and light creep around
following them and enforcing their rule.  
The sun and moon but nightwatchmen
of Time’s tyrannical rule. 

Communications across these lines 
are like conversational time travel. 
Discovering tomorrow’s occurrences today. 
Happenings now that occurred tomorrow, 
yet are happening in someone’s yesterday. 

It all merely exist to highlight Time
and it’s consistent inconsistency. 
Whether shortest moment, 
or longest eternity
it matters not. 
Because they don’t exist. 

There is no today, tomorrow, or yesterday
but in our minds and memories. 
All there is, is now, and now has just gone
as it always shall go just as you realise it. 

I Am Forgotten

I am truth and I am forgotten. 
Cast out for sensationalism and profit. 
If you look hard enough, you may find me
crying at the bottom of page 45, 
or hidden away in a grainy documentary. 

I am love and I am forgotten. 
Replaced by lust and selfish desire. 
I am still there, but I’m not encouraged. 
Because sex sells, and I don’t. 
Because I don’t parade around
in my lingerie. 

I am knowledge and I am forgotten. 
displaced by who wears what, why and when. 
The cult of personality draws attention
while I, pariah, wander the wastes
and too few meet me. 

I am joy and I am forgotten. 
Well, less forgotten and more corrupted. 
I used to be free, but now I come with a price. 
Slapped upon me by slavemasters 
who decide what your smile is worth. 

I am a human being, and I am forgotten. 
My stories don’t litter your papers or TVs. 
I am capable of great things, yet achieve nothing. 
I appear to be but capital, tied up in flesh. 
But I am a human being. 
and I am forgotten.