Thursday, 6 November 2014

Adversity (Courage)

So maybe in the past I've been shy of singing my own praises,
but that's the past, let's take the bar and give it a few raises.
From the anxious bastard who wanders his own flat in nervous paces,
to the fearless git who would literally stab a baby to be first in the races,
Maybe I've finally grown into the selfish fucker with many faces
who can manipulate the world as he pleases with his swarthy graces. 
The Prodigal finally returned from stasis, doing up his shoe's laces 
and getting ready for business, vicious and somewhat less than prestigious  
writing words to inspire the religious, litigious. An overweight leader of the resistance,
With an overwhelming capacity to create insistence, 
who wins nothing with talent but everything with his persistence.
He tried to kill himself multiple times but his body just wouldn't quit, 
who tried to talk nonsense but his mouth just wouldn't talk shit, 
insisting instead on speaking truths, no matter how horrific 
a prolific abuser of words specific, talking in generalisations that are vague and yet holistic.
I drive the world ballistic, a straight talking spastic in a world full of cryptics,
I'm a triptych; the father who's mystic, the ghost there to diss shit 
and finally the son who pays the world a history making visit. 
If you think everything's fine then you are deranged, 
a human in chains sent to make sure effort is spent undoing ignorant gains. 
I don't make hollow claims, I'll change your world view given half a chance,
I don't just talk the steps, I dance the dance.
I'll use every power my mind and body grants to ensure you possess the same stance,
and if you don't agree, that's fine with me, as long as you've got eminence.
Most of the time all I see is cognitive decadence and deceit dressed up as argument
like you were trying to be presidents. If you've got a point to prove I need evidence
I can't just take it on word, 
presenting an argument without makes you like Farage in a toilet, 
You are a hate-mongering turd. 
So Mercer finally returns to his words and burns with his verse
Like God and The Devil rolled into one, a blessing and curse, 
willing to call out hypocrisy, even in himself, like a real bad one, 
here he'd made a joke about his wealth, if he fucking had one.
But refusing to be a part of the system leaves him a bum, unemployed, 
and relying on disability - reliant on the father of his state like he were a boy. 
The world doesn't pay thinkers, just spineless doers, 
9-to-5 in mindless tasks means they kind of screw us.
Your Prime Ministers and Presidents laugh as much at your heroes as they do us.
Let's unite in solidarity with bonds so strong they can't undo us. 

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