Sunday 9 December 2012

Cold Fear

Cold fog curses creep through my brain,
under my skin like parasites
and leeching my bad blood.
Ground to dust,
Ground to dust,
those dreams you once cradled.
Incompetent fool and idle thinker,
roll up your sleeves.
There’s more to come from you yet.
Another lashing will see to that.
Pile up the tasks,
Pile up the tasks,
Arbeit Macht Frei.

Fall into line. Straighten up your tie.
Polish your shoes with the rags,
they’re all you have and all you need.
Mirror like shine,
Mirror like shine,
But no face looks back through the cracked leather.

I am the ethereal.
Burned, ripped material.
Bound for a hell that doesn't exist
and living in one that does.
Pull yourself together,
Pull yourself together,
as if that’s possible when you’re split in two.
 We stay as children.