Thursday, 5 July 2012

Buy My Books!

You can read them on your Kindle, 
You can read them on your phone. 
You can read them if you’re single, 
they’re probably best if you’re alone. 
You can read them on your tablet, 
You can read them on PC, 
You can’t read them on an aglet, 
for they’d be too small to see. 
You can read them in your living room, 
you can read them on the bog, 
you can read them at your spinning loom, 
you can read them with your dog. 
You can read them with your cat, too
or any pet of your choosing. 
You can read them getting a tattoo, 
but probably not while snoozing. 

In fact, you can read then any place, 
so why not take the chance. 
They may put a smile across your face, 
if you only give them a glance. 

***** Note: Books available for Kindle can be viewed on many platforms, see the end of this post for details :) ****

Books available are; 

Alcoholic Ambling and Suicide Scribblings
A poetry collection detailing my struggle with booze, depression and anxiety. Since misery loves company, why not indulge me and pick it up. I know you want to, because you’re a sadist, you’re just going to laugh at my bad times But don’t worry, I do that too. Well, it’s more insane cackling. 
Anyway, it has been described as ‘relatable’, ‘intimate and well written’, ‘powerful, harrowing, passionate, comforting and true’ and ‘fascinating’. So, why not trust those other opinions and see if you can relate. 

Only £1.96 for UK folk, head here to Amazon to pick it up! 

Or my lovely friends across the pond can pick it up for $3.02 

We then have; 

How To Win At Life By Being A Smug, Self-Righteous, Smarmy, Grinning Self-Help Twat

A kind of, cynical look at the bullshit self-help genre, tackling their general and vague advice that has little or no relevance on real life or the ultimate goal we should all work for, humanity and compassion. 
As such, I critique what they might say, throw in my own realist opinion, and collect together a few of my more positive poems to remind you how wonderful and beautiful you all are. My best-selling work so far, why not see what the fuss is about? 

And why not add this marvelous review too; 

“The cover of Mercer’s second volume is somewhat deceptive. While the author indeed writes with a good deal of humor, this is a thoughtful book with a good deal of life wisdom tucked in around the self-deprecation and biting sarcasm. Don’t come here if you are looking for smug platitudes and heartwarming tales of triumph over adversity, Mercer does not pull his punches even in this more ‘jolly’ collection. Still this is an entertaining read that gently reminds the reader to be kinder to himself, to accept and allow the kindnesses of others and above all, to love.”
Only £2 for my UK people, you can find it here, 

and US folk, don’t feel disheartened. Here, you can get it for $3.09! 
And now for something completely different; 

Easy as a Bee, See?

My debut novel is a delving into the world of political chicanery. Conspiracy and intrigue abound in this no nonsense thriller that has bees being used by a cabal of owls to take over the world…
Okay, so it’s not so much a no nonsense thriller as a nonsensical satire, but that does not give it any less credibility. I thoroughly enjoyed working on this and by all accounts the people who have read it thoroughly enjoyed reading it! 
A brief summary; a gent named Gordon, who works in insurance, becomes involved in the bees plot to enslave humanity after a particularly odd customer service phone call. Subsequently he and his friends end up joining up with the Global Bee Taskforce, the agency tasking with bringing down the bees, to save humanity from its impending doom.  
It may be a generic sounding plot, but believe me it is laced with twists and turn, easily exposed plot-holes, strange interjections and a whole lot of fun, so why not give it a read. 

Available for £3.59 in the UK! That’s a special sale price so get it while you can! 

And in the US, it is yours for $5.54! 

***************Kindle on other platforms********************

You don’t have to own one of Amazon’s flagship devices to enjoy my Kindle content. Kindle apps are available for many devices. There is a Kindle for PCs and Macs application; as well as apps for all Apple portable products (ipods, iphones, ipads) and Android support too. More technical details as to how you can access Kindle content can be found here; 

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