Your part is merely just to put an X in a box.
You try to do more, they’ll have the police arresting the lot.
There’s no room for trouble-makers, that’s how you are labelled,
When you fight for your rights; whether elderly, female, gay or disabled.
The election’s the main attraction, a detraction from the attention
of your lack of true political interaction. Just tick a box, choose your faction.
You’re the realness of a photo, they’re the spin via clever caption.
So this is it, is it? Your role, your portion?
Simply getting bought and sold at media run voter slave-auctions?
This is politics? So much waving sticks
by a bunch of out of touch, over-privileged raving pricks?
The biggest lie they tell is that they care,
while justifying racism for replacing our fears
and ransacking our services to lend cash to their friends,
who merely speculate, fuck it up, and lose it again.
And you can honestly sit by - the world it rusts..
Corrodes and all because you gave these idiots trust!
They couldn’t run a bath, let alone a nation
and we’re the ones who keep from inevitable dilapidation!
Ask yourself what do we get from this hierarchical mess?
Abused, exploited, undervalued, uncared for and the fucking rest.
We don’t need leaders, we never have we never will.
They’re not some cure to social ills, there is no magic pill.
There is only us, and all the hard work that we do.
Let’s ditch this damn hierarchy and this fucked economy too.
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